Wadi Al-Rakheem Plant profile
PV System Name:Wadi Al-Rakheem
Location:Wadi Al-Rakheem, Palestinian Territory, Occupied
PV system power:21.970 kWp
Communication:Sunny WebBox
Inverter:Sunny Boy 3000HF-30
Sunny Boy 3300
Sunny Island 8.0H
2 x Sunny Mini Central 7000HVRP


  Comet-ME is an Israeli-Palestinian NGO providing basic energy services to off-grid communities in a way that is both environmentally and socially sustainable. We facilitate social and economic empowerment of the poorest and most marginalized communities in the occupied Palestinian territories through the construction of renewable energy systems (wind and solar), capacity building and reliable maintenance.
This is a hybrid, wind and sun, system based on AC coupling. There are 2 home brewed 2.5 kW wind turbines mounted on 18 meters towers that are connected to a WB 2500, each. Two SMC7000 connected to 24 280 Wp panels provide the solar part. The battery is a Hoppecke 3400AH OPzV battery.
The systems provides electricity to a remote off-grid community of more then 250 people.

Visit us at www.comet-me.org
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