Shaab el Butum PV System Profile
Location:Shaab el Butum, Palestinian Territory, Occupied
PV system power:5.200 kWp
Modules:Suntech STP210-18/Ud
Communication:Sunny WebBox
Inverter:2 x Sunny Boy 2500


 Comet-ME is an Israeli-Palestinian NGO providing basic energy services to off-grid communities in a way that is both environmentally and socially sustainable. We facilitate social and economic empowerment of the poorest and most marginalized communities in the occupied Palestinian territories through the construction of renewable energy systems (wind and solar), capacity building and reliable maintenance.
This is our biggest system to date. It is a hybrid, wind and sun, system that incorporates both AC and DC coupling. There are 2 home brewed 2.5 kW wind turbines mounted on 18 meters towers, a SB3000HF connected to 15 pannels and 2 SIC50 DC charrgers connected to 12 panels, each. At the core of the system is a Hoppecke 3000AH OPzS battery.
The systems provides electricity to a remote off-grid community of more then 250 people.

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